Monetize your APIs using the fastest, most secure payment rails in the world

Monetize your APIs using the fastest, most secure payment rails in the world

We setup your lightning paywall with our enterprise grade solution. From customized landing pages for your users, to analytics and insights for your teams, SuLu has you covered.

We setup your lightning paywall with our enterprise grade solution. From customized landing pages for your users, to analytics and insights for your teams, SuLu has you covered.


Self-hosted or Managed

Use our nodes or your own

Use our nodes or your own


Turn your data into actions.

Turn your data into actions.


Get every team aligned.

Get every team aligned.

Built on battle tested Bitcoin tech

Built on battle tested Bitcoin tech

We are building on open source technology vetted for production use. We use the latest cybersecurity practices to secure your data and services.

Built on top of LND

Built on top of LND

Up to 1 trillion API calls a month

Up to 1 trillion API calls a month

Globally distributed

Globally distributed

Globally available

Globally available

Our features at your fingertips.

Our features at your fingertips.

Our features at your fingertips.

API access for your developers to integrate with your processes and deployment infrastructure.

API access for your developers to integrate with your processes and deployment infrastructure.

API access for your developers to integrate with your processes and deployment infrastructure.

npm install @sulu/analytics

analytics init


// Get all hits with id,

// filtered by endpoint and country.



where: {

endpoint: "/pricing"',

country: "NL",




where: {

id: 231



// Get all hits with id,

// filtered by endpoint and country.



where: {

endpoint: "/pricing"',

country: "NL",




where: {

id: 231



Access the Internet's native economy

Bitcoin is meant to be the native currency of the internet, and the lightning network is its rails.

Plug your API product into this blooming ecosystem

Instant Settlement

Instant Settlement

Settle API access payments instantly through the Lightning Network. No more waiting for the end of the month to receive subscription payments from your customers.

Settle API access payments instantly through the Lightning Network. No more waiting for the end of the month to receive subscription payments from your customers.

Innovative Monetization Models

Innovative Monetization Models

Thanks to our technology you can implement new monetization schemes, including time-limited access, pay-per-use, and tier-level access.

Thanks to our technology you can implement new monetization schemes, including time-limited access, pay-per-use, and tier-level access.

Revenue report

Revenue report

Generate revenue reports for each of your endpoints instantly, with in-depth analytics to power your business.

Generate revenue reports for each of your endpoints instantly, with in-depth analytics to power your business.

AI Agent Friendly

AI Agent Friendly

Participate in an open ecosystem that enables autonomous AI agents to freely access your services, while making sure they pay for them.

Participate in an open ecosystem that enables autonomous AI agents to freely access your services, while making sure they pay for them.

Join the New Payment Rails of the Internet.

Join our waiting list as we bring this revolution to light.

Join the New Payment Rails of the Internet.

Join our waiting list as we bring this revolution to light.

Join the New Payment Rails of the Internet.

Join our waiting list as we bring this revolution to light.

Contact Us

Share your ideas with us.


© 2023 SuLu Ltd.. All Rights reserved

© 2023 SuLu Ltd.. All Rights reserved